News & Events

Here is where you’ll find out all the cool info you need to track us down on the road, which events we’re at, and how you can get yourself some of the best tasting bannock (BAN-UHK) in BC.

Quick Update

Hello Everyone!! Just a quick update for everyone. I am still up north in Nunavut working in a kitchen. It's a good challenge and a great learning opportunity for me. With this, I am aiming to save up for my dream food truck or trailer. I will be back eventually with...

Ban-uhk Days

Hello everyone!!   I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer so far. And staying hydrated in this heat. Ban-uhk Canteen has been having a wonderful summer as well. Since stepping back from the kitchen to focus on some personal things, we are able to keep the...

Weekend of May 27 and May 28th

Hello everyone!! I will be closed in the kitchen this weekend. I will be prepping for the Cloverdale Market Days on May 28th!! This is super exciting. I have 5 dates for this market. So I will be busy making bannock mixes and bannock samples for that day. Hope to see...

Easter Weekend

Hello All!! Im going to be closed Good Friday. But I will be open on Thursday April 14th from 3:30 pm to 6 pm.  Remember to get your orders in the day before. 

Closed this weekend

Hello everyone! I just wanted to let you know that we are closed this weekend, March 18 and 19. And I will not be at the Cloverdale flea market on Sunday March 20th as well. Taking some days off. But I will be back the following...

Hello all you wonderful people!!

This is super exciting!! My website is finally up and running and I can greet you all and thank you all for coming to check it out. There might be a few mistakes on here as well, and I am going to fix them. I will be a webpage master soon lol. I will be posting events...